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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Nose Augmentation Prices

The best prices for nose augmentation and quality best results ranges from 15,000-25,000 Thai Baht.

Our surgeon's are Thailand's top plastic surgeon that perform excellent nose augmentation results. Our surgeon can speak English well and they can explain with you thoroughly about the procedures.

If you are choosing permanent nose augmentation, choose rib cartilage nose augmentation. The cost of surgery is 195,000 Thai baht.

Some patient don't like to use silicone implants, they can choose between filler nose augmentation or rib cartilage.

The cost for filler nose injection is around 12,000-21,000 Thai Baht.

For rib cartilage nose augmentation, it needs under general anesthesia and surgery takes around 6-8 hours.

For more information you may contact the information below: 
Mobile#:  +63922977537
Email: info@bangkokaestheticplasticsurgery.com
Line app: osias05
Whats app, viber: +63922977537
Website: http://www.bangkokaestheticplasticsurgery.com/
Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/bangkokaestheticplasticsurgery ; https://www.facebook.com/BangkokAestheticSurgeryCenter